Libre Graphics Meeting Recap

May 17th, 2018 by

Not long ago, I returned from a wonderful trip to Seville, the location of this year’s Libre Graphics Meeting. This event brings together many users and developers of open source graphics software, and gives a chance for a lot of cross pollination among different projects. Sometimes very dramatic things happen, like the release of the long, looong awaited Gimp 2.10!

I’m happy to say node based interfaces had a strong presence this year. For instance, Neil Smith demonstrated Praxis Live, including live music through a mix of code and nodes. Antonio Roberts performed “live noding” with Pure Data, manipulating 3-d structures together with music in real time. I demoed my own brand new node interface in Laidout, which I hope to adapt to various uses in open source software. I had several interesting conversions with Gimp, Inkscape, and other devs about uses for nodes and possible ways forward with interfaces for them. What is life without a huge to-do list?

Speaking of to-do lists, thanks to everyone who came to my node workshop at LGM. Thanks to that, we found several bugs, and a few new node requests, which are now all fixed and implemented!

There were also a number of other artists and projects using a live environment, such as Rodrigo Velasco’s live coding sound and image. Also Antropoloops, which allows a kind of world music mixing, seamlessly mixing samples from around the world, showing a live map of where the sample is from, and which can even be performed by kids from those regions literally connecting themselves to capacitive pads, and to other people!

You can see some of my travel photos here, with more to come, as soon as I have time to process them! In the meantime, here’s a drawing of many of the people at the meeting. You should come to this next year in Saarbrücken, Germany!

Lgm 2018


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